As one term of environmental damage, incidental environmental damage has its own characteristics. 偶合环境侵害作为环境侵害的一种表现形式,有其自身的特点。
This Guarantee does not confer any rights other than those expressly set out above and does not cover any claims for any incidental or consequential loss or damage. 此保证并未授予除上述明确之申明外的任何权利,亦不包括任何声称附带或引起的损失或损害。
This article trys to explore the system of civil responsibility of incidental environmental damage by discussing the principle of responsible cause, the burden of proof and civil responsibility. 从归责原则的取舍、证责任的分配以及民事责任的承担等方面,对我国偶合环境侵害的民事责任法律制度作了初步的探讨。
Our country criminal incidental litigation system stipulate too generally in legislating, different one relevant legal provisions about the relief way of criminal compensation for damage are not overall. 我国现行刑事附带民事诉讼制度在立法上规定太笼统,相关法律规定不统一,关于刑事损害赔偿的救济途径的法律规定不全面;
Based on the analysis of the procedural obstacles for the mental damage compensation at the moment, the author puts forward the principle of law application in relieving the mental damage and analyses in depth the concrete practice of incidental civil for mental damage caused by crime. 在对目前精神损害赔偿的程序障碍进行分析的基础上,提出了对精神损害赔偿进行救济时适用法律的原则,并对因犯罪行为造成精神损害所提起的刑事附带民事的具体操作进行了分析。
Besides, the author also questions the practice that improper justice explanations have confined law case accepts and hears range of incidental civil actions in the criminal procedure law and points out its possible damage to the whole justice system. 在刑事附带民事诉讼的受案范围部分,笔者对当前司法解释不当限制被害人附带民事诉讼受案范围的做法提出了质疑,指出这一做法可能带来的危害性。
In addition, in the field of criminal incidental civil lawsuit, the plaintiff has the right to propose the spirit damage compensate lawsuit. 此外,在刑事附带民事诉讼领域,原告有权提出精神损害赔偿的诉讼请求。